
Sara Rue Weight Loss

Sara Rue weight loss success story

Several months ago, Sara Rue's problem was with her over weight, she had to lose this over weight especially with her engagement. Now let Sara Rue tell us how she lose her weight, and what is the programs and products she used to lose her over weight, how she lost about 50 pounds? And how she was able to return to her fitness and elegance.
What are the four tips that Sara Rue used to lose her weight to reach her weight loss goal?
Now with Sara Rue weight loss story:

1) Sara Rue's tips for weight loss success: You're in control.
"You can control what you put in your body—100 percent," Sara says. And it's not just about food. "You really can control your level of fitness and how your body looks."

2) Sara Rue's tips for weight loss success: Admit when something's not working and ask for help.
"I was never really able to lose weight on my own," Sara says. "Clearly, it was something I struggled with so I wanted a program that provides extra support. In terms of fitness, I'm going to rely on a professional for that as well. I really don't know anything about [working out] so I'm like 'just tell me what to do!' "

3) Sara Rue's tips for weight loss success: Let go of the guilt.
"I'm a very all-or-nothing type of person," Sara says. "Usually, the first slip I make, I'm done. But my Jenny Craig consultant tells me that just recognizing when I go off track is an improvement and a step toward my new healthy lifestyle. When you don't feel guilty about going off track, it's easier to get right back on."

4) Sara Rue's tips for weight loss success: Create mini-milestones—no wedding necessary.
"It's the little things that make all the difference in motivating you. I can concentrate on the dress or the wedding, but then I can also concentrate on something simple. I saw a pair of jeans that I want to buy, so I'm going to work towards that goal, too. I'm definitely focused on the dress right now, but I'm also thinking about my honeymoon."

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